Diplomas in 2022

Diploma and end-of-year projects exhibition

The diploma and end-of-year projects exhibition was held from Friday 24 June to Sunday 3 July in the Halles Usego in Sierre. Please follow the links below for images of the exhibited pieces and projects.

Discover the projects

  • Bachelor in Fine arts

    Graduates: Lionore Alves, Lyna Beggah, Marcia Domenjoz, Cosette Faivre, Alessandro Ferrari, Léna Romand Lacrabère, Léa Locher, Rachel Morend, Laura Richard, Doman Shekani, Céline Simonetto, Manuela Stojkovic, Emilie Suchet, Elias Würsten

  • Master of Arts in Public Spheres

    Graduates: Pauline Ammann, Gleni Çaçi, Laís Cardoso Da Rosa, Bertrand Emaresi, Sylvie Godel, Al Gutierrez, Mohamad Haryo Hutomo, Nourhan Maayouf, Hend Moaaz, Charlotte Olivieri, Constanza Puente-Burgos

  • Federal Vocational Baccalaureate in graphic design

    Graduates: Maxime Alili, Bastian Blanc, Delphine Brantschen, Gabriel Carraux, Léa Corin, Siméon Dubuis, Zélia Duc, Claudia Dussex, Sara Gamito, Océane Gillioz, Camille Graf, Anaïs Greiner, Janine König, Lucas Pascoal, Roxane Revaz, Océane Roh, Laura Voeffray, Karim Walpen, Aileen Weber, Arnaud Wenger, Maïra Zimmermann

  • Foundation Course in Art & Design and Maturité spécialisée en arts visuels

    Foundation Course in Art & Design: Annie Bornet, Robin Bressoud, Gaétan Carron, Lucie Carron, Cristhal Fagundes, Emma Faisandel, Thomas Jaquet, Jonathan Leggett, Auriane Locatelli, Grégoire Marmy, Réjeane Massy, Tebany Ryder, Lucrezia Soucaliuc, Marc-Antoine Vouillamoz, Elsa Wermeille
    Maturité spécialisée en arts visuels: Émilie Bondon, Emma Buchs, Lena Cipriano