Miriro Mwandiambira

Fondation BEA Prize

Laureate of the Fondation BEA pour Jeunes Artistes Prize

I thought it would get better...

2021, performance and sound installation, durational piece

I thought it would get better... is a general re-enactment of events and a collection of memories, redefining the narrative through performative and familiar descriptive sounds in my indigenous household. This is the actual statement I play around in an investigative research method on certain traditional norms and how much they are not spoken about in public, but only in whispers behind closed doors, on the femininity and its sacredness within the Vahera tribe, and on the lost communications.

Miriro Mwandiambira, I thought it would get better..., 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Miriro Mwandiambira, I thought it would get better..., 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Miriro Mwandiambira, I thought it would get better..., 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Miriro Mwandiambira, I thought it would get better..., 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Miriro Mwandiambira, I thought it would get better..., 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Nicolas Vermot-Petit-Outhenin / EDHEA

Miriro Mwandiambira, I thought it would get better..., 2021, Master's diploma project. Picture: Nicolas Vermot-Petit-Outhenin / EDHEA