Embodied Words

Le MAPS au Musée Tinguely

A screening for the exhibition Bang Bang at the Musée Tinguely
With works by MAPS students and graduates: Mohamed Abdelkarim, Noor Abuarafeh, Gleni Caci, Margaux Dewarrat, Sawy Laila, Laìs Rosa
Proposed by Petra Köhle & Nicolas Vermot-Petit-Outhenin and Federica Martini

Embodied words convenes a selection of works that practice the boundaries between performance and performativity. It looks into spoken words, lyrics, utterings and narratives in progress. It considers scripts, speech acts and public parole as sensual and embodied material.

Friday, August 19, 7 p.m., at Museum Tinguely (Paul Sacher-Anlage 2, Basel)

Bang Bang
translocal hi:stories of performance art
8 June – 21 August 2022
Un An exhibition project by Revolving Histories/Performance Chronik Basel and Museum Tinguely
Museum Tinguely is celebrating performance art in the show BANG BANG - translocal hi:stories of performance art. At the heart of this process-oriented exhibition is the Swiss performance scene, its players, and its networks, although the programme will be international in character.