Petra Koehle

Co-responsable du Master

Petra Köhle has studied photography, theory and fine art at the Zurich University of the Arts and at Central Saint Martins University of the Arts, London. She has been collaborating with Nicolas Vermot-Petit-Outhenin since 2003. Köhle/Vermot's latest works and researches are investigating how technologies and more specifically the medium of photography relates to the process of archiving and how its mechanisms of selection imposes certain rules. Their work was shown at Aargauer Kunsthaus in Aarau, Palais de Tokyo in Paris, Museum of Modern Art Frankfurt, Kunsthaus Glarus, Shedhalle Zurich and at the Sinop Biennial in Turkey. They made Presentations and performances at Kunsthalle Baselland, Piano Nobile in Geneva and during Printed Matter at PS1 in New York. Köhle/Vermot have published several artist books in the edition fink such as There where I should have been yesterday. I am here today (2010), Pour les Oiseaux (2005) and Frankfurter Auszug (2012).

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