Gleni Çaçi

How to Disappear With Bella Figura

Autofiction / trailer, editing in real time composition/chorégraphy (20'), 2022

The work deals with collective memory, history, geography and displacement.
It is an attempt to reconnect to my past in order to be able to file it. Are some pasts better than others?
During my visits to Albania I discovered that my personal story and the big history, are strictly connected. What are the consequences that come with connection between governmental choices and intimate adaptation?
The video footage is produced randomly during the last five years only with my mobile telephone.
The film results in a sort of a rewriting of one’s personal history, questioning the act of remembering and the act of seeing.

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA

Gleni Çaçi, How to Disappear With Bella Figura, 2022, travail de Master
Photo: Laura Morier-Genoud / EDHEA