
SInce 2019, thanks to close partnerships with various cultural actors in the region, EDHEA was able to offer residencies to its students who had completed a Bachelor or Master course.
Not all residencies are offered every year.

Malévoz Quartier Culturel / Artist Residency, Monthey

Located in the heights of Monthey, the site of Malévoz is a psychiatric hospital in activity which unfolds in a peaceful and richly wooded environment. The artists in residence are invited to exchange with the cultural actors of the place, the patients and the medical staff of Malévoz.

In 2024, the residency was awarded to Lorane Jäggi, Bachelor's graduate. Dates: February and March 2025

2023: Jonathan Lévy-Forcada (Master)
2022: Marcia Domenjoz (Bachelor)
2021: Lucia Masu (Master)
2020: Antoine Dollat (Bachelor)
2019: Laura Ige (Master)

Prize Residency Brigitte Mavromichalis - Musée d'art du Valais, Sion

The Musée d'art du Valais offers a workshop to a graduate of the school for a 10-month residency, enabling him/her to develop an artistic work while confronting an institutional context.

In 2024, the Musée d'art du Valais chose to welcome Charlotte Centelighe, Bachelor's graduate. Dates: from September 2024 to June 2025

2023: Laura Morier-Genoud (Bachelor)
2022: Doman Shekani
2021: Alexandre Ghandour (Bachelor)
2020: Emilie Gougain (Bachelor)

Residency in Ferme-Asile, Sion

The artistic and cultural center of the Ferme-Asile develops and promotes creation in Valais and in Switzerland. It provides eleven studios for visual artists.

In 2024, the Ferme-Asile offers a residency to Evon Gabrielyan, Bachelor's graduate. Dates: from October 2024 to September 2025

2023: Olivier Ferry (Bachelor)
2022: Alessandro Ferrari

Residency Atelier Tremplin in Ferme-Asile, Sion

The Fondation BEA pour Jeunes Artistes supports the Tremplin workshop, awarding an annual grant to the artist and to the Ferme-Asile.

In 2024, the artist selected is Emma Fornari, Bachelor's graduate. Dates: October 2024 to September 2025

2023: Ma Neveu (Bachelor)
2022: Lyna Beggah (Bachelor)
2021: Romain Iannone (Bachelor)
2020: Matilde Soldati (Bachelor)
2019: Valentin Merle (Bachelor)
2016: Noëmie Praz (Bachelor)
2014: Katerina Samara (Master)
2011: Oceane Stein (Bachelor)
2010: Cloé Breu (Master)
2009: Laetitia Salamin (Bachelor)
2008: Véronique Michelet (Bachelor) and Chun Yan Zhang (Bachelor)
2007: Aurélie Fourel (Graphiste CFC/MP)
2006: Katherine Oggier-Chandaz (Master)
2005: Martin Chanda (Bachelor)

Foundation S_EDHEA Prize for the La Becque Artist Residency, La Tour-de-Peilz

This site, which opened in September 2018, is home to several international artists. It offers them the perfect facilities for undertaking both individual and collaborative work. This residency of approximately five weeks is not offered to EDHEA 2020 graduates.

In 2024, the prize was awarded to Shatha Afify, Master's graduate. Dates: October and November 2024

2023: Amina Jendly (Bachelor)
2022: Elias Würsten (Bachelor)
2021: Dianita (Bachelor)
2019: Laura Ige (Master) and Valentin Merle (Bachelor)

Residency in Bruson, in partnership with the PALP Festival and the Musée de Bagnes

2023 : Louis Levesque (Master)
2022: Emilie Suchet (Bachelor)
2021: Claire Frachebourg (Bachelor)
2020: Matilde Soldati (Bachelor)
2019: Julie Trolliet-Gonzalez (Master)

Residency in Australia, in partnership with Fondation Opale, Lens

This residency, offered every two years, gives a unique chance to work with representatives from the world of contemporary Aboriginal art. Il lasts a total of three months and takes place in Australia.
2023, Laís Cardoso Da Rosa (Master)
2021: Caterina Giansiracusa (Master)
2019: Nyakallo Maleke (Master)